Welcome to Dropkick 1/2

Assembly Lev.png

You are about to read storyline. Storyline is written from your viewpoint. You are the “I” and “me”.

June 8, 2530. Planet of Fluke. I have been assigned as Coach for a new cadre of athletes, nicknamed “Dropkick.”

Minister Lev Hoang meets me at the front entrance of my new facilities. “Welcome, coach. Happy fortieth, by the way.”

I grip his wrist in greeting. “Still thirty-nine for another two days. Don’t rush things.”

Lev matches the pressure I put on his wrist. “Still in as good a shape as ever, I see. Your family settled in?”

I nod. “Strange to think I had a different job on a different continent nine hours ago.”

“No one to blame but yourself, coach. We need top quality on Dropkick, and your name came up.”

Lev ushers me inside the imposing building complex.

We pass into the meeting hall of the team. The plain concrete walls have one inspiring feature—a hand-painted pinup in the team colors of orange, black, and blue, with a wicked-looking assault dropship as the mascot.
