The Crew 3/3

Athlete Muli.png Athlete Cord.png Athlete Oreilli.png

“Also, I suggest you keep your rules of conduct tight. Some hard-core personalities are on the team. You’ve got three—Muli Zedez, Cord Domuuno, and Oreilli of Hunde—that have the experience and the bloated egos to match.”

I sigh and stash my concerns for now. “Great. Any trustworthies?”

Athlete Pavov.png Athlete Tushabe.png

Lev nods. “Pavov Quikov’s not bad, and Tushabe Olveria. Both of them have mountains of experience and a good solid competitor’s attitude. Also, a brother-sister team in Angi and Mikhail Kyang. They’re from the bad side of Kert, as if there was a good side, but Minister Drake stole them away. Apparently they’re pretty focused athletes.”

Athlete Angi.png Athlete Mikhail.png

I review the roster. “Okay. That leaves Mary Beth Sorro...”

Athlete Mary Beth.png

“Good luck. She’s crazy.”
