Mission Card & Goals

Mission 1 Example 5.png

Find Mission Card 1. The mission card gives key information.

Each mission has four goals:

The Bonus goal gives extra score, but only if you win. The Sure goal gives extra score, whether you win or not. The Daring goal gives extra score, whether you win or not. The Daring goal is hard! Do not attempt it unless you are good, lucky, or dumb. The Insight goal gives an extra Insight draw in the next mission, whether you win or not.

In this mission, you must win AND have at least two of your victory markers in each Faction key for the bonus goal.

Your team must carry a combined 20 gold at end of mission for the Sure goal.

Your team can’t have any hero defeated at end of mission for the Insight goal.

Your team must defeat every foe except one to reach the painfully hard Daring goal.
