
Ezebel is known for having a prickly attitude, but watching her interact with Billie in the staging area, it’s clear she has worked to restore her relationship with Billie Cates. Even more, I see her take steps to improve the relationship of Billie with the other athletes.

Her efforts are working. Billie is a different person, not yet fully confident but fully invested in being part of the team.

This was all Ezebel. I never talked with her about doing that.

After the mission I take Ezebel out to dinner. I thank her for what she did. She offers up some insightful advice about helping out several of the other athletes.

I never expected any of this out of prickly Ezebel.

Increase morale by 1. This does not affect current mission Boosts.

Draw one insight for Ezebel. If she is not in this mission, use any hero for the draw.
