
Athlete Ezebel.png Athlete Oreilli.png

Ezebel continues. “One said, ‘How is the Dropkick and Bedrock blackout situation?’ And the other laughs and says, ‘All clear. I think the teams are a secret we’ll take to our graves.’”

I think about that.

“Ezebel told me about it,” says Oreilli, “and I was surprised she was able to enter the silo of the elevator tower without an alarm going off. I went and looked. Ey, there is an alarm, but something must be wrong with the sensors. Guess no one has caught the problem.”

Draw a small laser gun in the “Artiste” box.


1. I’d like to overhear or record more info if possible. Oreilli is a sly fellow. Hmm... I say, “Oreilli, I bet you need some climbing exercises too.” I’m sure he’ll understand what I mean.

2. “Say nothing about what you overheard and stay out of the silo, both of you. We don’t need any more trouble after Mose’s break-in.”

3. The two are excited about the ladder, but they are unlikely to stay that way. Rather than shut them down hard, I approach this more diplomatically. So I say, “Stay out of the silo for now. I need to think about this.” Then I will delay my decision, and they’ll forget about the ladder soon enough.