
Athlete Pavov.png Athlete Mary Beth.png

I shout a warning to the two. It isn’t two minutes later they start it up again, quietly but still...annoying!

I try to ignore them, but I’m about to shout again when I see Billie gasp, tap Tushabe, and point. I follow the point.

I catch sight of my worst fear. Pavov has come to blows with Mary Beth, grappling with her.

Oh shank. They’re kissing, embracing.

I hear a cheer from Billie. Tushabe shouts, “About time, oyo!” Muli and crew are slow-clapping and jeering. Even Cord is laughing.

Seconds pass as the passionate embrace continues. Pavov lifts Mary Beth up by the waist and swings her around.

Mary Beth is all squeals and grins. “We’re tying it up on Fiveday!” she shouts with a raised hand.

“That’s not enough time!” responds Genni.

“Not soon enough,” says Pavov, returning to his kiss.

Well...my staff will torment me for weeks about not seeing this coming.

Draw a small circle in Mary Beth’s Sway box.
