
Athlete Pavov.png Athlete Mary Beth.png

This has got to mercifully end. I’ve been getting more and more sick and tired of these two. This is the kind of petulant goot you have to deal with in a crowd of six-year olds. I’m not tolerating it going forth, and regret tolerating it this long.

I get in their faces. I tear strips off them with words I think might have an impact.

Pavov looks resentful as I rip them to shreds. Mary Beth’s eyes are wide, but she’s got that annoying smirk...

She suddenly jumps at Pavov, grabs hold of his head, forces it around.

And places her lips firmly on his.

Pavov reciprocates enthusiastically.

I hear a cheer from Billie and “About time, oyo!” from Tushabe. Muli and crew are slow-clapping and jeering. Even Cord is laughing.

Seconds pass as the passionate embrace continues. Pavov lifts Mary Beth up by her waist and swings her around.

Mary Beth is all squeals and grins. “We’re tying it up on Fiveday!” she shouts with a raised hand.

“That’s not enough time!” responds Genni.

“Not soon enough,” says Pavov, returning to his kiss.

I slink away. Shank, I feel like a gewber.

Draw a small X in Pavov’s Sway box.

Draw a small X in Mary Beth’s Sway box.
