Mission Epilogue 2/3

And then came Genni. “My Dad called me monkeyfeet when I was a kid.” She took her shoes and socks off, threw a spoon in the air, caught it backwards on her foot with the curve of her sole. Then she tossed up another spoon and proceeded to juggle both with her feet, flipping stances at rapid fire pace and sometimes going into a handstand.

The display produced a lot of gasps and one ‘What the hell?’ I had never seen or imagined a human being could do what she was doing. Her feet and knees and hips had to be quadruple jointed to act that flexibly. But they looked normal.

My finance officer leans toward me. “Gene splice?” he whispers.

Gene alteration is tightly controlled and mostly banned but for medical counteraction. But the Ekard family has a lot of influence.

I notice one other thing. Oreilli spends a lot of time watching Genni from afar. I missed Pavov’s and Mary Beth’s love trek, but I’m picking up on this one.

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