Mission Epilogue 2/6

Athlete Angi.png

I take a moment to collect my soul. “What happened?”

“Fall,” says Security Man. “She was climbing this off-limits utility ladder without safety equipment.” His voice has a clear measure of accusation.

Assembly Lev.png

“Did you know your athletes were doing this?” asks Lev.


“And you didn’t stop it why?”

“Maybe we can talk about that later,” I say. “I assume Ezebel was here when it happened.”

“Yes. She was doing floor exercises when Angi landed next to her.”

“Angi didn’t scream?” I ask.

“Apparently not,” says Security Man.

“Let’s be up front here,” says Lev. “You are looking at gross negligence. The police might charge you. For now, go break the news to your team.”

Remove Angi from the team. This gap in the team will be filled by a generic athlete. Basically, one of your heroes will not have an athlete assigned during missions.

Reduce morale by 1.

I have limited time and a lot to deal with.
