Special Rules


In this mission, the only way to win is to defeat Aberratus. While Glory matters for a goal, having more Glory will not win you the mission.

The mission ends at the end of the step when Aberratus is defeated. Note the extra Speed goal on the mission card.


Aberratus will ignore Lith’s Lair.


The following applies to all foes except Aberratus:

If a foe is defeated, it is placed in the Underpit only if the defeating wounds were toxic. Otherwise, it is placed in the Pit.

At the start of each foe Reinforce:

1. From the Pit, choose the foe with the earliest alphabetical ID (not name) and renew it back into the arena. Be sure to give them their starting gold, if any.

2. Choose the foe with the earliest alphabetical ID from the Underpit and move it to the Pit.
