
Assembly Lev.png

Lev stands. Other Assembly members begin clapping as he does. He silences them gently as he prepares to speak. “Your professional conduct during this training demonstrated the peak of trustworthiness, discipline, and leadership. Your efforts and character set the standard for everyone who comes after you. I am certain that my words fall far short of how greatly we appreciate your unique level of coaching. Therefore, you will find a Horizon Streak waiting for you at your home.”

I’m not sure what to say. A Streak sports car costs more than my entire wage this season. Menzler Autocorp makes only like two or three a month. I cough and manage “thank you,” but my grin probably communicates how I feel about this. I’m already thinking about the roads I could use to get it up to full speed.

On the “loyalty” line in “Triumph”, write “5”.

In the “Duty” box, draw 5 tiny happy faces.

In the Artiste box, draw a quad-thrust Horizon Streak sports vehicle.
