
Assembly Lev.png Assembly Drake.png

Two days pass. The aftermath of the training campaign plays out. Lev and Drake bring me in for a final review.

But I stop them halfway through. “Mind if I ask a question?”

“Let’s hear it,” says Lev.

“I’ve gathered reliable information, don’t ask me how. First, you’ve spent half a billion credits on Dropkick, far more than we could ever likely repay.”

Lev and Drake go quiet.

I continue in the silence. “Second, I know that the Assembly plans to keep Dropkick a secret indefinitely. So, what will my team actually be doing?”

To my surprise, Lev doesn’t go ballistic. He responds casually. “Did Mose dig this up with his break-in?”

“No. He never said a word to me. I had other methods.”

Lev and Drake look at each other, and both smile. “You’re a troublemaker, Coach. We’ll answer your question, soon.”

If you also drew a bloody bear trap, on the “mystery” line in “Triumph”, write “2”.

Otherwise, write “1”.

In the “HA” box, write the word “Digger”.
