Errata and Clarifications
These items have been corrected or added to in the online PDFs and in this online rules set.
Errata and clarifications have also been added to these online rules. Anything marked with (!) is an additional clarification or errata item.
Set 1, p. 10. Revealing Cards: If you have a card that gives a ratings modifier that will affect a challenge draw, you need to reveal that before the challenge card is drawn, not after.
Set 1, p. 10. Dropping Loot: A hero cannot drop any loot, including gold.
Set 3 Rulebook, p. 3. See the Foe Actions section for two items: Flying foes will stay on foot if they can reach their target. Foes will take the least move cost path to their target (“Least Path”).
Set 3 Insight Card 126. The symbol next to “0-4” should be Speed, not Melee. (Sharpie in the symbol for a circle and put a few dots over it for a paw.) This card will be replaced in Sets 5 or 6.
Card Clarifications
Baba Yaga (Hero). Baba Yaga’s mental ability targets adjacent enemies.
Clara Barton: Clara’s +1 Health ability can be used on adjacent allies only.
Injector (War Card): Should say “Causes toxic wounds.”
Thotus (Hero). Thotus’ mental attack is considered in every way a ranged attack.
Minor Errata/Clarifications
Set 1 Rulebook, p. 2: Component list. Extra cards were added during crowdfunding and some were shifted around among the sets. Card counts are changed as follows: War and Secret cards: 42 instead of 36 for each set. Elite cards: 20 instead of 18 in each set. Player aids: 12 instead of 6. Quest cards Set 1: 79 instead of 84 in Set 1. The Set 3 cards pre-packed in Set 1 and 2 total 27, not 28.
See the detailed Component List, next page.
Set 1 Rulebook, p. 11. The armor example uses the words “while they own it.” This should say “when they use it.”
Set 1 Rulebook, p. 15. An Amaze result also causes a capture and dismisses the hero.
Set 1 Rulebook, p. 16. Rescue and kidnap can target the same or a different enemy with each payment.
Set 1 rulebook, p. 23. Special abilities that target “allies” do not affect yourself unless specifically stated.
Set 1 Rulebook, p. 23. The image of the Jackal minion shows “Unleash Free” as the bonus effect. It is an outdated image. It should show “Shift 1.”
Set 3 Rulebook, p. 7. The aura example for Foe #5 does not take into account the Slip Away action of #4, moving Blackbeard 3 spaces away from the aura.
Set 3 Rulebook, p. 18: When dismissed, the Lith-Lover will go to the closest Dome to Lith’s Lair.
Set 3 Campaign Setup Tile: Item #8 can be ignored. Build map is already included in #3.