Mission Prelude 2/3

The team seems fairly relaxed in the staging area, awaiting mission nine.

There’s a wealth of chatter. Oreilli is entertaining Ezebel and Genni with a story involving lots of hand waving. Great to see Ezebel forming a friendship with one of Cord’s henchmen.

Muli and Tushabe are playing some kind of balance game with a metal rod. Billie is pulled into it as well.

Angi and Mikhail sit alone, quiet. Minister Lev has expressed concerns about Angi’s emotional state. None of the medical or psych procedures seem to be helping her so far, but they still hold out hope.

Most interesting is Cord and Mose having a lengthy, serious conversation off in the wing of the staging area. They rarely talk to each other. I’m intrigued.

Despite the upbeat attitude of the others, Pavov and Mary Beth continue their tedious rivalry of words with each other.


1. Shout at Pavov and Mary Beth to lay off, for once.

2. Don’t worry about it.

3. Deal with it once and for all. Bring down the fire.

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